get error get error Mufti Mansurul Haq – Darsemansoor

ইসলামী যিন্দেগী এ্যাপের নতুন আপডেট এসেছে। আমরা যারা মোবাইল ফোন ব্যবহারকারী, আমরা সবাই ইসলামী যিন্দেগী এ্যাপটি আপডেট করে নেই।

ইসলামী যিন্দেগী এ্যাপ ব্যবহারকারীদের সকলকে জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, অনেক লম্বা সময় ধরে আমাদের ২টি ওয়েবসাইটই হ্যাক হচ্ছিল। ফলে আমাদের ব্যবহারকারীরা ঠিকমতো কিতাব, প্রবন্ধ ডাউনলোড করতে, পড়তে এবং বয়ান ডাউনলোড করতে, শুনতে অসুবিধা বোধ করছিল। এছাড়াও আরো অনেক ধরনের সমস্যা হচ্ছিল। ফলে ব্যবহারকারীদের সুবিধার জন্য এবং হ্যাকারদের থেকে আরো বেশী নিরাপদে থাকার জন্য আমরা আমাদের এ্যাপটি আপডেট করেছি।

আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, বর্তমান আপডেটে অনেক নতুন দীনী প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস সংযোগ করা হয়েছে যা যে কোন দীনদার ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য আনন্দের বিষয় হবে বলে আশা করি।

যেহেতু আমরা সম্পূর্ণ নতুনভাবে কাজ করেছি তাই এ্যাপটি ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে প্রথম দিকে আপনাদের সমস্যা মনে হতে পারে। কিন্তু পরবর্তীতে তা আগের চেয়ে আরো সহজ মনে হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ। আর আমরা এখন পুরোদমে কাজ করে যাচ্ছি তাই আপনাদের নজরে কোন ভুল বা অসঙ্গতি নজরে পড়লে আমাদের উপর নারাজ না হয়ে সুপরামর্শ দেয়ার বিশেষ আবেদন রইলো।

পরামর্শ দেয়ার ঠিকানা:

এতোদিন আমরা ২টি ওয়েবসাইট চালিয়েছি এবং আমরা এই দুটি ওয়েবসাইটের সমস্ত তথ্য সহ আরো অনেক জিনিস নতুন সংযোগ করে একটি ওয়েবসাইট তৈরী করেছি। সবাইকে উক্ত ওয়েবসাইটটি ভিজিট করার জন্য বিশেষভাবে অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছি।

হযরতওয়ালা শাইখুল হাদীস মুফতী মনসূরুল হক দা.বা. এর বয়ান এবং সমস্ত কিতাব, প্রবন্ধ, মালফুযাত একসাথে ১টি অ্যাপে পেতে ইসলামী যিন্দেগী অ্যাপটি আপনার মোবাইলে ইন্সটল করুন। Play Storeএবং  App Store

Mufti Mansurul Haq دامت بركاتهم

Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم is a prominent Bangladeshi scholar was born in January 12, 1953, Khulna, Kamalapur. He is the Grand Mufti of Jami’atu Abrar Rahmania Madrasa. Previously he was one of the top scholar of the Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh (is an institution for higher Islamic studies in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has seven education sections from kindergarten to post-graduate levels). He is also   an educationist, and a social reformer. He founded many madrasas, mosques in Bangladesh. Allama Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم translated the book ‘Taisirul mubbtadi’ and authored ‘Qawayede Urdu’ which is attached at the end of ‘Taisirul Mubbtadi’.


Among three children of late Abdur Rahim Gazi رحمة اللہ علیه; Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم is the eldest one. His siblings are Hafez Maulana Abdul Majid دامت بركاتهم and Maulana Abdul Aziz دامت بركاتهم.

Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم has eight (8) children. Among them, four are sons and four are Daughters. His eldest son Ehteshamul Haq رحمة اللہ علیه was a scholar of the Jamia Rahmania Arabia, Dhaka. He was also a faculty of “Jami’a Arabia Madinatul Uloom” Karachi, Pakistan. He was martyred in Pakistan in the holy month of Ramadan, 1435 Hijri, by the Shi’a rebel group. May Allah be pleased with him.

Mufti Mansurul Haque’s دامت بركاتهم father in law late Maulabi Arshal Ali رحمة اللہ علیه was a well known Scholar.

Jami‘a Rahmania Arabia

The location of Jami’a Rahmania Arabia (renowned Islamic educational Institute) is next to The Saat Masjid in the capital of Bangladesh Dhaka’s one of the busiest suburb Muhammadpur. Deoband madrasa’s long-term shaikhul hadith  Hussain Ahmad Madani’s exceptional student and khalifa Mawlana Habibur Rahman Shayekh e Raipuri’s  Khalifa Hazrat Mawlana Noor uddin Gohorpuri served as a chairperson of Qaumi Madrasa Education Board for many years.

Following the order of Hazrat Mawlana Noor uddin Gohorpuri, his beloved and superior disciple Hazrat Muhammad Ali and his brother donated 16 katha land for the establishment of Jami’a Rahamania. This is how Jami’a Rahmania Arabia was established in 1988. Basically the foundation of Jami’a Rahmania was initiated in 1986 through ‘Muhammadi Housing’. Mufti Mansurul Haq دامت بركاتهم has been carrying out the role of one of the director of Jami’a Rahmania Arabia since its beginning in 1986.

Khilafat of Islamic Sufism

Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم  has received Khilafat (certification of achievement to practice and teach Islamic Sufism ) from Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Sahib رحمة اللہ علیه of Hardoi, U.P. India (on May 17, 2005), who himself was the last khalif of Hakimul Ummah Hazrat Shah Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمة اللہ علیه.


Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم completed his graduation from Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh in 1970. His first alma-mater was at ‘kamalapur madrasa’ of Khulna, where he completed his first three years of his educational life. Then he went to study the next two classes from ‘Khulna Darul Ulum Madrasa’ and another four classes from ‘Gauhardanga Qaumi Madrasa, Faridpur’ (founded by Maulana Shamsul Haque Faridpuri رحمة اللہ علیه). Finally, from Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh, he completed Mishkat, Bhukhari, Darul Ifta and Uloomul Hadith.

Becoming Hafeez-E-Quran

During his student life in Gohordanga madrassa, he used to serve as volunteer throughout the yearly study vacation period. By the grace of Almighty Allah Mufti saheb have memorized the whole Quran in 4 months, while doing voluntary work for madrassa.

Career & activities

Mufti sahib has been teaching Hadith, Fiqh and Islamic research methodology in Dhaka for past thirty years, since his graduation in 1980. After a short period of starting his career, he acquired a reputable position as a religious scholar of Sufism, among other subjects. His teaching technique attracted a lot of students and his research and publications have become well regarded in Islamic institutions. During these years, he traveled various cities and villages, delivering lectures and spreading hope of reforming among people towards Islam. Printed versions of his lectures and discussions become available shortly after his tours. Very few Islamic scholars have had their lectures printed and widely circulated in their own lifetime like Mufti sahib.

Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم has begun his career as a teacher in Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh situated in Dhaka. He served there from 1980 to 1982. After that, he started teaching at Jamia Rahmania Arabia, Muhammadpur since its establishment in 1986 and served there through teaching the students Sahih al-Bukhari including other important books.

Mufti Saheb also have served as an appointed Imam of Lalbagh Fort masjid, during his time at Lalbagh Madrassa.


Mufti sahib is one of the few scholars who have received Sanad e Bukhari from 4 different Shaikh ul Hadith and they are-

  1. Hazrat Mawlana Noor uddin Gohorpuri رحمة اللہ علیه
  2. Hazrat Mufti Mu’eez رحمة اللہ علیه
  3. Hazrat Anjar Shah Kashmiri رحمة اللہ علیه   (son of Hazrat Anwar Shah Kashmiri رحمة اللہ علیه)
  4. Hazrat Mufti Abdur Rahman رحمة اللہ علیه
  5. Hazrat Mawlana Aziz ul Haque رحمة اللہ علیه

Work on Dawatul-Haq in Bangladesh

Majlis e Dawatul Haq was initially established in 1358 AH in India by Hakeemul Ummat Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمة اللہ علیه, who without doubt was the revivalist of century in the Subcontinent. However, it was only in the year 1370 AH after the death of Hadhrat Thanwi رحمة اللہ علیه that, the seed started blossoming under the guidance and leadership of Hadhrat Maulana Shah Abrarul Haq Saheb رحمة اللہ علیه. Majlis e Dawatul Haq is the centre of Sunnah where, the mission is to teach common people five things, which are fundamental of Islam (Iman, Ibadat, Muamalat, Mubashrat,and Tasauf). Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم is the Nayeeb-e- amir of Dawatul-Haq in Bangladesh and also amir of Muhammadpur, Dhaka.

View About politics

Mufti Mansurul Haque دامت بركاتهم is a strong follower of Islamic ordinance regarding economics and politics. He never attended any political rally or meetings. But He always speaks the words of justice for those people who are against Islam and he said that “The true jihad or politics is, who invite his fellows towards Islam. If he does that, Allah said “I will give you the khilafat (Throne of reign) on the earth”.


1 Kitabul Iman                                                 2 Sonmilito Munazat er Shor`e Bidhan

3 Kitabul Hajj                                                  4 Tableeg Ki O Keno

5 Kitabul Masail                                              6 Talaq Khokhon Deya Jai

7 Kitabus Sunnah                                            8 Bipod-Apode O Bala-Musibot-E-Shantona O Purashkar

9 Amalus Sunnah                                            10 Shor`e Porda

11 Isha`atus Sunnah                                       12 Bivinno Dhormo Gronthe Mohanobi صلى اللهعلیه وسلم

13 Nabijir Sunnah                                           14 صلى اللهعلیه وسلم Shontan-Er-Shrestha Upohar

15 Masnoon Du`a O Darud                           16 Khotom-E-Quraner Binimoy

17 Fatawa-E-Rahmania Part-1                      18 Fatawa-E-Rahmania Part-2

19 Hadith-E-Rasul                                          20 Namaz Shikkha Imamgoner Jimmadari

21 Islami Bibaho                                             22 Ahkam-E-Masajid

23 Jiboner Shes Din                                        24 Moududi Motobad

25 Malfujzate-E-Mujaddide-E-Din            26 Islami Khelafot Dhongsher Prokrito Itihash

27 Hajrat Yousuf (A.)                                     28 Islami Jindegi

29 Majhab O Taklid                                        30 Tuhfatul Hadith

31 Majlise Da`watul Haq Ki O Keno           32 Hadia-E-Ahlul Hadith

33 Woes & Adversities Condolence & Rewards